Mental Health Professionals

Physicians, Psychiatrists, Psychologists, Licensed Clinical Social Workers, Creative Arts Therapists, Marriage and Family therapists, Mental Health Counselors, and Psychoanalysts

If you engage Pepitone Law, we will discuss your practice and goals and work together to establish procedures that align with your approach. We aim to help you better understand the regulations governing your practice, develop clear and thoughtful policies and agreements, and address disputes and other problems.

Watercolor painting of two small boats in a tight bay on a rocky coast

© 2021, Matías Giovenali | @matiasgiovenali


We often help clients starting private practices with various combinations of the following services:

  • Manage the formation of a business entity (most often a PLLC)

  • Draft client/patient agreements, informed consent releases, notice of privacy practices, and more

  • Draft employee and independent contractor agreements

  • Review, edit, and draft website content

  • Legal risk assessments on activities and plans


We regularly provide advice and counsel on a range of issues impacting mental health professionals, including:

  • Scope of practice

  • Informed consent

  • Working with minors

  • Telehealth

  • Practice across state lines

  • HIPAA, confidentiality and disclosure of client information

  • Subpoenas

  • Complex client issues

  • Terminating treatment

  • Corporate practice of medicine and fee splitting

  • Website content, social media, and advertising


Some of the documents we draft, review, and negotiate for mental health professionals include:

  • Client/patient agreement

  • Group therapy and skills group agreements

  • Consultation agreements

  • Consulting and workshop services agreements

  • Coaching agreements

  • Employment and independent contractor agreements

  • Website Notices

  • Office leases

Large dog and human owner sit patiently on a couch in a doctor's office waiting room; Dan Pepitone is a New York attorney who helps health professionals in private practices with patient agreements, informed consent, and privacy practices

© 2020, Amit Elkayam |

contact Pepitone Law for a consultation.